Safety at the School

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One of the most important things Sunrise teachers do to promote learning is to create classroom environments where students feel safe. Our teachers do many things to set up classrooms that feel safe and well organized.

  • First, they make sure the classroom is clean, orderly, and inviting. They teach students to arrange the classroom so that they have all the resources they need – all the books, calculators and materials – right where they can find them, within easy reach.
  • They organize the physical space of the classroom for movement and interaction and make it easy for students to pull their chairs together to do small group work.

At Sunrise Language School, we have given a lot of attention to what happens in all areas of the building, working hard to make sure students are always well supervised by adults. We always take measures to cut down on fights by improving traffic flow through the hallways and removing obstacles.

School administrators also have responsibilities in ensuring student safety. The following include ways to support a safe school environment:

  • Schedule regular inspection and maintenance of equipment and facilities.
  • Ensure that access to exits are unobstructed at all times.
  • Ensure that students know safety guidelines.
  • Maintain fully stocked first-aid kits and working fire extinguishers.

Natural disasters and other emergencies can happen at any time, and when they happen at school, everyone should be prepared to handle them safely and effectively. Administrators, teachers, staff, parents and students can work together to promote and maintain school-wide safety and minimize the effects of emergencies and other dangerous situations.

At Sunrise Language School, we ensure that teachers and administrators are trained and have memorized the evacuation route for their classroom(s). The school holds random, unannounced drills several times a year. This helps students, teachers and administrators get in the habit of knowing exactly how to respond in emergencies.

We have more than 100 security cameras to ensure student security
Server room to control all the connected devices and cameras to find out and fix any malfunctions in the system
We maintain sterilization of students and measure students’ temperature before the sessions started
safety at final exams